We of course often see person has worn ring at the finger, Good that is engagement ring, Wedding ring, or Limit of accesory merely. Ring that worn can made from diverse ingredient, One of them polished diamond ring.
When does previous more opting person ring only made from gold and Silver, So at the moment person has begun to change to use ring that use polished diamond stone. This matter is because polished diamond can to symbolize matters, From feeling heart and Also luxury simbol.
Fiance ring
Moment where two person decide to get married moment very beautiful for both. Moment will like this will be moment that always be recalled. For times beautiful increase like this, and As sign that them enganged, Usually each side wears ring in the sweet finger. Ring that used can diverse the kind, But lately popularest polished diamond ring.
Polished diamond ring first time used as fiance ring in century ke-15, Precisely year 1477, By archduke maximillian of austrian and Mary of burgundy. This matter is because trusted polished diamond as a devoting loves great, Like to love true pure and Natural, With love menggebu, Send out light eternal fire and Can to tie up two different hearts.
After the t that, Polished diamond ring use as fiance ring begins to internationalise. Many people that give polished diamond rings as fiance ring to unfold the feeling to one who menyayanginya. May even exist a story that say that arrow cupid also overlayed with polished diamond in the end.
Wear polished diamond ring at ringfinger in has also meaning aloof. In ancient greek era, Person believes that vena amoris (goddess love)s out from this finger and Direct aim to heart. Wear polished diamond ring in this finger is trusted – till now – as sign loves and Affection unlimited and Can to merger two different hearts.
Fiance ring kind
Polished diamond ring kinds that used as fiance ring:
A) classic solitaire
This ring has designs classic. This ring circle is made from several ingredient kinds base, Like yellow gold, White gold, and Also from platinum. In this ring is found polished diamond stone pair in part on ring. Polished diamond stone total in this ring is 1 fruit, But can beauty increase and Ring elegance. This polished diamond stone has multifarious form kind, and Eligible as according to our willing.
Besides classic model, There also modern model solitaire. Difference in second this model only designs from ring circle, With existing polished diamond total one.
B) three stones rings
Circle in this ring thicker is compared with circle in kind ring solitaire. Besides polished diamond stone total found on this ring numbers at least 3 fruit. Purpose that consist in in this ring memories eternal.
Polished diamond ring with three this polished diamond stones makes past, Present day, and Future always will recollect in memory permanently. This ring kind is there are some kind, One of them three stone rings with eunuch stones. In this ring is besides polished diamond in part on it, Also found polished diamond in the side part laid at bearby polished diamond in part on.
C) multi-stone rings
This ring that use many polished diamond stones in every the kind. There two design that belong in this ring kind, That is classic model and Modern. For classic model, Ring head a polished diamond stone menyampingnya found several polished diamond stone fruits its for smaller.
In design modern, Box formed ring head or Round with big polished diamond stone presents correct at the midst. This polished diamond is surrounded by little polished diamonds. Besides also found polished diamond in part ring semicircle on.
D) fancy color mengamond
Besides use clear coloured polished diamond, There also fiance ring that use rust colored polished diamond. This ring is seen pretty and Bewitch. Rust colored polished diamond is used in the head part. For another part, Permanent used clear polished diamond.
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