Big polished diamond (45,52 this rather blue coloured rust)s is now resides in museum smithsonian natural history. If
Seen with baked eye, Hope mengamond seen blue amaze. But actually, Hope mengamond
Show fosrefrensi red insides blue that burn. Hope mengamond diversified in type polished diamond iib.
This polished diamond original owner henry's philip hope. Price hope mengamond estimated around 200.000.000 until
This polished diamond name comes from a tale that has meaning ldquo; A curse for the pemiliknya” . Story hope
Mengamond examine to berlilan blue usually called tavernier blue, Got from kollor mine at
Follow legend, The blue hope mengamond taken from hindu idol statue eye carving. Form tavernier blue this
Trilateral weighing 112 3/16 rust (22,44 g).
Around year 1660 until 1661, A large-scale merchant french named jean bapitiste tavernier find one of [the]
Hope mengamond.
Afterwards sold again in a dealer property jewel simon frankel then brought to
At year 1908, Frankel sell hope mengamond to salomon habib at
Guess 1 year hope mengamond reside in hand habib, Date 24 junes 1909 hope mengamond sold to pass programme
Auction. In auction, Hope mengamond bought by a decoration tradesman from
In the amount 80.000 dollar. Year 1910, Rosenau sell to
Not desist it hope mengamond discursive hand, Each only between one year two year the owner
Enjoy togetherness with him. Up to year 1911, Cartier sell hope mengamond to a member
Social organization at u. S, Socialite evalyn walsh
Menyaat evalyn died, Hope mengamond bequeathed to the grandchild. With testament that hope mengamond this must
Then rolling in go down temurun during 25 year. But, Only approximately 20 year this testament awakes. Until
Final sold also at year 1949 by a polished diamond tradesman at
Harry winston very unconvinced myth hope mengamond which according to him will bring a curse, He is then
Keep and Watch over hope mengamond. Although ever he entrusts to showed off at canadian national exhibition
In august 1958. Date 28 decembers 1978, Moment the age 82, Harry close eye permanently. He
Bequeath hope mengamond this so that watched over well at smithsonian institution.
Since 10 novembers 1958, Menyaat harry not yet died, Hope mengamond displayed at smithsonian institution. Hope
Mengamond be part from jewel collection at national museum of natural history.
In the year 1962, Showed off at french jewellery,
Introduced to world. At year 1965, Return showed off at rand easter show,
After experience several repairs, At year 1997, Hope mengamond kept and Displayed at janet annenberg
Hooker hall of geology, Gem, And minerals. As one of [the] member the national gem collection, Hope mengamond
Be most menggandrungi there.
Such hope mengamond that change hands from one person to one who other, From one place ketempat other,
Memberbagai country. Pass by various problem, Hope mengamond jewel stone very historical.
In december 1988, Graduate expert gemological
Accurate. Then give report result about individual hope mengamond that called lsquo; Fancy dark grayish-
Blue’ , Weighing 45,52 rusts or 9,104 gram. Described, Hope mengamond unique like fluorescence,
With colour ultra purple if seen in dark and Be red phosphorescence brilliant if is seen menempat bright.
The purity vs1, A little whitish. The cut is described lsquo; Cushion antique brilliant with a faceted
Girdle and extra facets on the pavilion’ . Size pannjang, Wide, and The depth equal to 25,60 mm x
21,78 mm x 12,00 mm.
Latest development in 9 febuari 2005, Smithsonian institution publicize that hope mengamond
Jewel that be part from crown french blue.
There are some song have a title and Relate to blue mengamond mengantaranya:
1. Blue mengamond, From album blue mengamond, Popularized by sukiyaki.
2. Blue mengamond, From album blue mengamond, Popularized by the johnson mountain boys, In the year 1993.
In the world of character art, In film serial fat actress, Kirstie alley given hope mengamond by the darling a
Milyarder in episode cry baby mcguire.
Besides hope mengamond also appear in wide sail film, Titanic. Film that explode mempasaran year 1997 this
Up to now still often menayangkan in television channels. At the (time) of the principal presentation, Bioskop-
Cinema in all the world always filled film fans.
Romantic drama film that can nudge any person who watch it this get appreciation at arena academi
Award year 1997. This film is production result james cameron.
Artists that join in to support film titanic mengantaranya:
- kate winslet as rose dewitt bukater
- leonardo mencaprio as jack
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Page 3
- billy zane as caleson hockley (fiance rose)
- kathy bates as margaret ldquo; Molly” Brownian
- danny nucci as fabrizio derossi (best friend jack)
Story short in this film hits cal hockley love the fiance so much, Rose. Only,
Wedding that will happen this will not be provided to love both parties. Father rose that died to bequeath hutang-
The debt, Doesn't leave treasure to ruth and Rose. To cover matter that assumed shame and Try permanent
Devolve alive glamor, Ruth try to get married rose with a young wealthy person, Succumbed cal hockley.
Up to at one time, New ship maiden voyage very luxurious, Titanic. Hockley want to presents
Blue polished diamond necklace lsquo; Heart of the ocean’ Mean ocean heart to rose at the (time) of they
Sail with titanic. But, Without expressly, Jack and The friend that get ticket titanic from beat
Gamble game comes rose. Moment rose rue fact that must he experience, Married a man
Not mencintainya, He tries to kill self. Menyaat evening where rose want to jump down from ship, Jack see it,
And resque it. Moment that's they begin mutual know bearer. Jack only a wanderer
Very differ from hockley. Although the conditon doesn't beneficial to jack, But love rose permanent
Survive to him. Unlucky imperative, Titanic great appear final strucks reef from ice, Because
Stringent the impact and Happen so fast, Titanic even also swallowed at base ocean. In film sad ending that,
Jack died because frozen, and Rose alive forever with the grandchild. After through years that insident, Because
Hear to hit lsquo; Heart of the ocean’ , There are some researcher that aim it. But, They
Can not find it, Because rose keep in coat pocket hockley mengenakannya at the (time) of
Insident na’ That axis.
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Generated: 22 january, 2008,21: 57
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