Jumat, 09 Mei 2008

Diamond Car Insurance

Call centre from hell, I don't care how cheap they are, stay well clear if you don't want to burst a blood vessle.

I wish British companies would wise up to the fact that they would be better with an automated phone system than with these Indian call centres, paying 10p a minute to have a heart attack is not my idea of fun.

The operators may be charming but when you need your insurance sorted quickly and accurately, the last thing you want is someone wishing you happy birthday or congratulating you on your choice of car !

A phone call that a UK operator would have handled in 2 minutes took 14 minutes in my exausting long distance call from hell and that was after the line went dead halfway through my first call, it cost me around £2.50 to simply change car details, no doubt the operator only gets that in a week, that's why they try to sell you other insurance products at the end of the call.

Diamond are not the only company doing this, but I am glad to say others are moving back to Britain, funny how you get a UK call centre when you want to buy insurance but they make you phone India on a Rip off 0870 number when you need help.

Summary: WALK AWAY!

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