Sabtu, 17 Mei 2008

Polished diamond history

Known from a invention, Polished diamond comes from volcano inmost part also contain atom and Carbon. Really practically polished diamond is transparent crystal that four atom carbon parts. Polished diamond stone brought kepermukaan earth passes explosion volkanik. Follow watchfulness, Rise it polished diamond kepermukaan earth caused by stone that melt. Polished diamond is developed from bermil-mil part in earth surface, In debasement 150 km (90 mile)s, In pressure approximately 5 giga pascal with vinicity temperature 1200 degrees celcius (2200 degrees fahrenheit). Polished diamond can be natural form other appropriate pressure height, Relatively at the (time) of low temperature. But very lamentable polished diamond can not formed from under sea.
Since ancient time even at the (time) of itself polished diamond nomenclature, Famous polished diamond as materials hardest to three after ‘aggregated mengamond nanorods’ and ‘ultrahard fullerite’.
Follow the history, Itself polished diamond name is taken from ancient greek that “tak kalahkan”.
Polished diamond has appeared kepermukaan earth very long, Revolve from 1-3,3 billion year ago. Polished diamond first time identified and Mined at indians. Formerly, There reference that found in a text buddhist, One of [the] text sanskrit (anguttara nikaya) then menyempunakan around 296 bce ago. Text narated also hit the glitter polished diamond principal characteristic spouts. At that moment polished diamond associates with bring deity name (god), As religious decoration symbol. Trusted polished diamond can bring luck for any individual that have it. At indians, The owner is limitted with caste based on colour. Only king that permitted has all polished diamond colours.
Along period development final polished diamond can be dealed at region east and West indians and Can be used at various culture to gemologi or Industrial.
At europe, Polished diamond disappears during almost 1000 year follow to bloom it people kristiani. They averse polished diamond existence which is on initially trusted serve the purpose of amulet. This matter is very is defied by people kristiani. Because follow their belief, Only god may trusted.
But, Polished diamond fame returns to rise many used as jewel stone. This matter is caused the increasing of itself polished diamond availability along bloom it europe history.
At french, In century ke-13 king llouis ix decide law that declare that only king may has polished diamond
In febuari 2005, America team (us) and China gives archaeologist report hits invention from four wealths almunium that come from stone cemetary which is on moment that be china culture custom. In 4000 bce-2500 bce, Scientists find axe shine trusted can menyemir with polished diamond powder so that far appear more interesting. At china, Polished diamond commonly use for polished diamond completion other, One of them as surveyor or Completion ‘jade’ (mould green jewel).
Over the centuries, Mengalangan aristocratic, Polished diamond more popularer as jewel stone. Of course only mengalangan they are ber-uang and Ber-kelas. Usually used as cicin wedding. Appropriate period development, Fame continues and Bloom with many transformation sesuia polished diamond aesthetics request. Polished diamond prove can popular permanent with various class along the price still achievable. Polished diamond be one of [the] object of vital importance because can bloom in purchasing world, Sale, Even enter in crime note until policies.
Newest message follows washington post date 5 marches 2007, Found new kind polished diamond at canada country. Found by stone expert during through years finance polished diamond livelihood menegara neighbour. Admitted, This polished diamond is north america property. This matter makes canada mandapat quick money current as polished diamond inventor third country.

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