Minggu, 18 Mei 2008

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Diamond

Just the Facts...

Image taken from
The Image Gallery
Diamond, composed of carbon, is the hardest natural substance in the world. Each carbon atom is surrounded by four neighboring carbon atoms in a tetrahedral coordination that is the result of a covalent bond and a face-centered arrangement in the cubic unit cell. Diamond is in the isometric crystal system, which is reflected in the commonly found octahedral or cubic crystal form. The external crystal class is 4/mBar32/m, while the space group designation is F41dBar32/m. Twins are common on the {111} plane. It has perfect four directional cleavage, adamantine luster, and both a high refractive index, 2.42, and specific gravity, 3.52. Color is usually pale yellow to colorless, but can also be brown, blue, green, orange, red, and black.
Diamond may be up to 3 billion years old, which is much older than their surface host rock (Harlow, 1998, p. 60). Diamond crystallization originates some 200 kilometers, or 320 miles, beneath the surface and the disaggregated crystals are merely transported to the surface via kimberlite and lamproite pipes (Harlow, 1998, p. 54). These igneous host rock formations are roughly cylindrical in shape and act as a conduit from the Earth's mantle to the contintental crust.

Diamonds are differentiated between various types, Ia, Ib, IIa, and IIb. Although this information is important to the diamond cutter, it is of no value to the student merely interested in diamond as a gemstone. Diamond's superior optical properties and hardness has earned this mineral the highest respect in both industry and jewelry. It has a long tradition of invincibility and hence the Greek name, adamas.

Excellent sources of noncommercial diamond information can be found at http://www.diamondse.info/ and http://www.diamond.info/. Another good fact source is found at the Molecule of the Month, http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Chemistry/MOTM/diamond/diamond.htm, from Paul May at the University of Bristol, U.K. Finally, Farlang Gem and Diamond Foundation, www.farlang.com, has an online library of resources on the history of geology, gemology, and mining at www.farlang.com/gemstones-diamonds-books, with specific diamond references at www.farlang.com/diamonds-references. These websites are well worth a visit.

Image taken from
a former site at
sponsored by The
Diamond Trading Company

Beyond the Facts...

Image taken from
a former site at
sponsored by The
Diamond Trading Company
Individuals and societies have ascribed diamond's important status with both symbolism and as a scientific curiosity with industrial value. Therefore, both scientist and laity find diamond fascinating because of the dual nature of scientific-industrial practicality and romantic ethereality created through traditions and advertising. The origin of dimaond may have been uncovered in the twentieth century, but appreciation for diamond has been known since diamond discovery in India, prior to 400 B.C.E.1 (Harlow, 1998, p. 118). Historically, diamond has been referred to as the essence of purity and invincibility, a symbol of royalty, and token of everlasting love (p. 1). Diamond is the birthstone for April.

Visit the Diamonds at the Paris Natural History Museum webpage, http://www.mnhn.fr/expo/diamants/index/english/ukinfo.htm#peintures, to find out about how diamonds have been portrayed in paintings from court portraits in the 15th century to information on the French Crown Jewels. The Beau Sancy, a 40 carat diamond in the French crown jewels, is depicted in Marie de Medicis's crown, a painting at the Louvre.

Today, 75-80% of the world's natural diamonds are used for industrial purposes and 20-25% for gemstones. It is the chemical and physical properties of this mineral that give it the superior cutting ability for industrial use. Diamond coatings have improved on diamond's industrial applications in cutting and in aiding the performance of semiconductors. It is the optical properties of this mineral that give it the superior beauty and durability to be used as a gemstone. The rarity of this gemstone is related to the petrogenesis of the igneous rock in which the diamond is recovered. Diamond may even be found in meteorites. It is an important economic resource, responsible for developing nations and creating war. Faceting diamond, in order to maximize its optical properties, depends upon a knowledge of geometry. Diamond is the perfect mineral to focus on considering its notoriety and the fact that diamond studies cross disciplines, such as mineralogy, geology, astronomy, material science, mathematics, anthropology, art, history, and economics. Follow up on one such interesting focus, the importance of diamond coatings to a past war, at http://www.cnn.com/TECH/9610/08/t_t/diamonds/index.html.

The Hope Diamond, shown in the image to the right, has a long and colorful history. To read about this deep blue stone, visit

  • http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/hope.htm
  • mineralsciences.si.edu/hope.htm
  • http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/students/
  • http://history1900s.about.com/library/weekly/aa071300a.htm,
    The Curse of the Hope Diamond at About.com, 20th Century History.

    Another diamond article can be viewed at the Smithsonian website, mineralsciences.si.edu/collections/napoleonnecklace.htm, regarding a comprehensive research report on the Napoleon Diamond necklance. Another special diamond is found in the Iranian Crown Jewels, the Darya-i-Nur. This is one of the oldest faceted diamonds, believed to have been in the collection of the first Mogul emperor of India (Gaal, 1977, p. 68). It is 176 carats, a pale pink color, and mounted in a setting with four rubies and 467 diamonds (p. 68). Visit the Wikipedia sites for more information, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Crown_Jewels_of_Persia or en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daria-i-Noor.

  • The deep blue Hope
    diamond is located in
    the Smithsonian,
    Washington, DC. Image
    taken from a former site at
    sponsored by The
    Diamond Trading Company

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