Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

The rare and beautiful pink diamond ring

If you are a lover of all things pink, you may be enchanted by the rosy sparkle of pink diamonds. You may already know that diamonds, often thought of as twinkling in brilliant white, also occur naturally in yellow, champagne, brown, black, and pink hues. Pink diamonds are the rarest of these rare gems, and therefore the most expensive. In fact, for all but the most lucky among us, an engagement ring featuring a pink diamond will be out of reach with price tags usually in excess of $10,000. But if you still find the lure of pink diamonds irresistible, you may be able to have your wish in the form of a wedding ring which utilizes smaller diamonds (and, as a result, carries a smaller price). Either way, make sure you are buying a naturally occurring pink diamond and not a color treated (irradiated) one for the best investment.

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