Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

The 4c's of DIAMOND.

Ring simbol wedding day. Why most of bride pair choose polished diamond as eye from wedding ring because mengamond aloud stone so to symbolize to love true.

In choose this polished diamond stone there 4 matters that must be rememberred that is 4c's -color, Cut, Clearity, Cost.

1. Color or Colour.
Polished diamond colour best not coloured or Clear white follows gia (the gemological institute of america).
2. Cut or Polished diamond stone cut.
Polished diamond cut must good, How distinguish it? Good polished diamond cut bounce back light returns kemata the observer. Wrong cut will make light mempantulkan from stone dull.
3. Clarity or Purity.
In buy polished diamond ring important to remember to mengeker purity from polished diamond stone. Good polished diamond stone stone undamaged. Visit one of [the] fancy store usually they have tool to mengeker polished diamond purity. Don't buy before sure polished diamond whom you buy undamaged.
4. Carat or Polished diamond stone rust magnitude. Polished diamond size of course diverse and Polished diamond stone rust bigger more expensive will so size up to in you.

Besides 4c's also don't will forget ring property certificate because will buy polished diamond ring will be one of [the] investment.

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