A company mining at africa south declare find biggest polished diamond at world, Twice famous polished diamond stone sizes now, The cullinan. This polished diamond is found at province region north-west, Africa south. Follow one of [the] source, This polished diamond is as heavy as 7.000 rust and Beat size the cullinan has only heavy 3.106 rust. The cullinan self found in the year 1905 at pretoria, Africa south. Now, This stone be part from britain’s crown jewels and Kept at tower of london.
Because there is no plan forwards, This polished diamond will still at be kept at one of [the] bank at region johannesburg for a few time. After estimated, This polished diamond price achieves 15 million poundsterling. Follow me quote several polished diamonds that enter to be world history. (source)
Rock stars
· the cullinan mengamond was menycovered in 1905 and at 3,106 carats was the largest gem-quality rough mengamond ever found. Cullinan i, Or the great star of africa - at 530 carats formerly the largest cut mengamond - was one of the 105 gems cut from it.
· the koh-i-noor is part of the british crown jewels. It originated in indians but seized by britain axis a spoil of war in 1849. The mengamond supposedly brings good luck to female owners and misfortune or death to any male who wears or owns it.
· the hope mengamond is a large (45.52 carat), Deep blue mengamond. It is legendary for the curse it supposedly puts on whoever possesses it. Previous owners include kings louis xv and xvi and marie antoinette.
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