Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Modern woman chooses gadget than polished diamond

New york - when within reason woman tempted the shinyly polished diamond, Now not such existence. They say, Woman now more opting digital camera from polished diamond.

At least such research result menggagas consumer electrocic association (cea) towards woman at united america (axis) a few moments then. Research result shows as much as 64 percents from woman menyurvei more opting digital camera than polished diamond earring at the price of same.

" If i were to choose between sebutir jewel with a electronic ware present, I sure will choose second (electronic ware, Red. ), " Say stacey smith's, Penyuka electronic device.

Believe or Not, Woman the present day bertanggungjawab for electronic tool purchasing majority than man. At least, This matter happens at united america.

Follow data, From number as big as us$ 150 milliards that spent electronic consumer last year, Woman is known to be majority purchase.

" During old ones, Happen wrong opinion that woman has frowned upon technology. In a few year this, We prove that that thing wrong, " Tanggap megan pollock from cea

Therefore, More and more company that make electronic product to fulfill woman need.

" They want something that fitts their life style, Make their alive more easyer with not ribet the use, " Mention veronica belmont from cnet.

So several present day electronics goods even also more makes woman. For example, Laptop with keyboard that can adopted ergonomi long woman hand finger, Up to colourful femininin on the market at several gadget available these days

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